Getting my brain into action.

Getting my brain into action.

After our unit briefing on Tuesday 3rd March, we were given loads of different materials to start to play around with. There were a variety of materials that including sequins, beads, straws, fabric, pom poms, the materials were endless. Our task was to just play around with them, to get us into the the right mind set, let everything go and just do it!

Personally I’m quite an organised person, so to start with it was quite daunting just putting random materials onto bonderweb and fabric, putting it under the heat press and seeing what happens. But after a few little experiments, my brain got into gear and didn’t think about the mess! It’s good to have days this, just letting your creative mind do its thing and to see what happens, and in the end you can get some really cool effects.

Here are a few of my experiments:

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The effects of the melted plastics and pom poms look really effective, and I can imagine if you took more time thinking of the composition, some really cool print designs could be make from these.

Overall a successful session, and now my brains on overdrive, thinking about what to do next!