Monday fun day.

Monday fun day.

As it’s Monday, the task for today was heading into the dye room again, testing out new techniques and expanding on the ones from last week. Monday mornings are always the hardest, but today I felt motivated and alive and wanted to crack on. Last week I mainly focused on screen printing with puff binder, but this week I wanted to combine this with matte (normal) screen print to see what effects I could create. And these are the results from that experiment.


 My next technique was painting onto blank screens using procion powder dyes mixed with two different substances, and then screen printing this onto fabric with a substance called manutex (this sets the dye into the fabric). You can have all the fun in the world with this technique as you can literally paint anything onto the screen that you want, and using any colours. The only down fall to this technique is it’s very time consuming, as it takes time to mix everything together, then paint your design on, wait for it to dry, then screen print it on fabric, then wait for that to dry and then finally steam and wash the fabric.

Here are a few images of the process and my final outcomes. Unfortunately it’s quick tricky taking photos of the whole process, so I just managed to get some of the painting onto screen part.


From these samples my next step is to work into them, stitching and manipulating them in different ways. Hopefully after our sketchbook feedback tomorrow, I will have a set idea as to how I want to add to them.

Who said Monday’s are boring?!

Here’s what happened..

Here’s what happened..

As I said in my blog yesterday I would show my results from the dye room, and here are they are. The first two images showing experimentation with applying heat to the puff binder in two different forms, steaming and the heat gun.


The next few images are the screen printing with puff binder with a selection of different colours, unfortunately when I applied heat using the heat gun to the cotton I was using it crinkled up, but with steam this can be prevented.

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 And finally the next two images are screen printing with a special glue and then foiling on top, creating this cool metallic, rustic effect. With more glue, more foil will stick down, this will be my next experiment.

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